Tear Trough Rejuvenation

(Under Eye Filler)

Vibrant and refreshed looking eyes for the win.

Do your eyes look tired all the time despite good sleep?

Dark circles and hollows under the eyes can make us look worn out and exhausted despite being well-rested.

For many people, the dark area under the eye is caused due to two things- hollowness or pigmentation or a mixture of both. It can result from genetics or the natural ageing process and stress.

Hollowness can be corrected using under eye filler, which will help to smooth and plump the hollow area. However, it will not affect pigmentation. Pigmentation can be treated using medical-grade skin creams. The combination of both treatments helps to give the eyes a bright and refreshed appearance.

Prices from £450

How does it work?

The appointment begins with a thorough consultation and assessment of the under eye area to deem whether you are suitable for tear trough filler. This will take place at our Kingston Aesthetic Clinic or our Mayfair, London Aesthetic clinic.

During the treatment, dermal filler is deposited into the skin under the eye using a special piece of equipment called a cannula. As the under-eye skin is the thinnest skin on the face, we use a particular dermal filler - Teosyal Redensity II - to achieve an optimal result and ensure that the filler is evenly distributed and undetectable. The dermal filler brings hydration to the skin and further volumizes the under eye hollow.

This treatment can be performed alongside many of our other treatments at our Kingston and Mayfair, London clinic. Sometimes we combine tear trough filler treatment with cheek filler if required to build up support beneath this area if it is required. We can also combine the treatment with anti wrinkle injections to the crows feet area and brow area to reduce the appearance of crows feet lines and also gently lift the brow. The combination of these treatments can result in a drastic improvement to the whole eye area.

You can find some examples of under eye filler before and after images on our gallery page. Here is a link to see some under eye filler before and after pictures.

Tear Trough Filler in Kingston & Mayfair, London

If you're looking for affordable and expert tear trough filler near you in Kingston or Mayfair, London at affordable prices, our 5* rated tear trough expert can help.

Our expert and a highly experienced, Dr Arun Karwal has over 6 years of experience in aesthetics. With his experience in aesthetics, he has helped boost the confidence for thousands of patients across Kingston and Mayfair.

Want to see before & after images of real patients?

Expert Tear Trough Fillers

from £450

✔️ Stunning long lasting results

✔️ Competitive prices

✔️ Quick & pain free treatment

✔️ Friendly & highly experienced doctors

✔️ 12,000+ clients treated so far

✔️ 125+ 5* Google reviews

  • Procedure time

    15 - 30 minutes

  • Number of sessions

    Just one session. Some clients with severe hollowing or bags may require a second treatment 4 weeks later.

  • Appearance of results


  • Result longevity

    1 - 1.5 years

  • Recovery time

    Some people have mild swelling for 1 - 2 days after treatment

Quick and Long Lasting Results  

The tear trough filler procedure takes approximately 30 minutes and you can carry on with the rest of your day as normal. Results will be apparent immediately after your under eye filler treatment.

These treatment typically lasts for approximately 12-18 months before requiring a top-up. This treatment costs £400.

All our doctors are registered with the General Medical Council (GMC) so you can rest assured that you're in safe hands with our expert team.

So why not come in chat and see if tear trough filler can work for you.

Although most of our tear trough filler patients are from Kingston and Marylebone, thanks to our 5-star Google reviews and recommendations we have many regular patients that visit us from all parts of London including Mayfair, Richmond, Twickenham and Hampton.

If you're looking for a way to reduce the appearance of tear troughs, tear trough filler in Kingston or Mayfair is a safe and effective treatment. Tear troughs are the dark circles and hollows that appear under the eyes, and they can make you look tired and older. Tear trough filler uses hyaluronic acid, a naturally occurring substance, to fill in the hollows and create a more youthful appearance.

The procedure is quick and easy, and most people experience minimal downtime. The results are immediate, and they can last for up to 12 months.

The cost of tear trough filler in Kingston or Marylebone varies depending on the amount of filler used. However, it typically starts at £400 per session.

If you're interested in learning more about tear trough filler, please contact us to schedule a consultation. We would be happy to answer any of your questions and help you decide if this treatment is right for you.


    1. Hollowness under the eyes

    2. A sunken appearance to the eye

    3. Dark circles under the eye

      Under eye filler will not treat pigmentation. If you have pigmentation as well, this will be identified in your consultation, and we can advise you on which skin creams will help you specifically. You can also buy these products from our shop.

      In addition, people with severe under eye bags may not respond well to this treatment, in which case we can advise you accordingly on how to treat this issue. Book a consultation.

  • Yes, tear trough filler can help reduce under eye wrinkles. We also sometimes treat under eye wrinkles conservatively with anti-wrinkle injections and this can help dramatically for certain clients.

  • Yes, we use hyaluronic acid fillers to treat the under the eye, reversible at any time. Therefore they can be dissolved if a client does not like the result or if a complication arises (however, this is extremely rare).

  • A maximum of 1ml is used in total per session for tear trough rejuvenation. This is enough to achieve the desired result in most cases.

  • For tear trough treatments, we use a product called Teoxane Teosyal Redensity 2, which is one of the thinnest fillers on the market and is extremely good for this area of the face because the under eye has the most delicate skin on the face.

    1. No alcohol or exercise for 24 hours

    2. No hot showers or sauna/steam rooms for the rest of the day

    3. No touching/rubbing the eyes for the rest of the day.

  • Tear trough filler is not a painful procedure because we use a special device called a cannula to deposit the filler. This blunt flexible needle manoeuvres around under the skin and causes minimal trauma to any of the tissue. Most people find it very comfortable and sometimes don't realise that the cannula is under the skin.

  • We offer tear trough filler in Marylebone clinic and we offer tear trough filler in Kingston clinic.

    Tear trough filler Mayfair- 2nd Floor, 15 Dover Street, W1S 4LP

    Tear trough filler Kingston - 169 Richmond Road, KT2 5DA

  • Under eye filler costs £450. You only need 1 session to achieve your desired result. Some people also need anterior cheek support in which case we will use 2ml in total; 1ml for the tear trough and 1ml for the anterior cheek compartment. This treatment costs £600.

  • People with mild under eye bags can respond well to tear trough filler. However, in more severe cases, this may require surgery. If you are unsure, feel free to book in for a consultation at our Kingston or Marylebone clinic and we can advise accordingly. If surgery is indicated, we can refer you on to a reputable plastic surgeon who performs lower blepharoplasty.