Temple Rejuvenation

An overlooked treatment

The temples are an often overlooked but important element of facial rejuvenation. Many people are unaware that the temples are one of the first areas we lose volume during the ageing process.

This leads to a hollow appearance in the temples, leading to an older, more gaunt and bottom-heavy appearance. As the temples hollow, the brow can also drop and become less shaped.

Prices start from £450

How does it work?

To correct temple hollowing, we fill this area with a medium-density dermal filler to add youthful volume and structure to the upper face and help balance facial proportions and profile imbalances.

This is all done without the need for invasive surgery.

This treatment can be performed alongside many of our other treatments at our Kingston and Marylebone, London clinic. Sometimes we combine temple filler with jawline filler, tear trough filler, nasolabial and marionette line filler and cheek filler in our structural restoration package. The combination of these treatments can result in a drastic improvement to the whole face and a more youthful, lifted appearance.

You can find some examples of temple filler before and after images on our gallery page. Here is a link to see some temple filler before and after pictures.

Temple Filler in Kingston & Marylebone, London

If you're looking for the best temple filler near you in Kingston and Marylebone, London at affordable prices, our 5* rated treatment expert in can help.

Our expert and a highly experienced, Dr Arun Karwal has over 6 years of experience in aesthetics. With his experience in aesthetics, his knowledge and skills has helped boost the confidence for thousands of patients across Kingston and Marylebone.

Want to see before & after images of real patients?

Temple Fillers

from £450

✔️ Stunning long lasting results

✔️ Competitive prices

✔️ Quick & pain free treatment

✔️ Friendly & highly experienced doctors

✔️ 12,000+ clients treated so far

✔️ 125+ 5* Google reviews

  • Procedure time

    15 - 30 minutes

  • Number of sessions

    Just one

  • Appearance of results


  • Result longevity

    1 - 1.5 years

  • Recovery time

    Mild swelling for 3 - 4 days. All swelling settles by 2 weeks.

Quick and Long Lasting Results  

The temple fillers procedure takes approximately 30 minutes and you can carry on with the rest of your day as normal. Results will be apparent immediately after your temple filler treatment.

These treatment typically lasts for approximately 12-18 months before requiring a top-up. This treatment costs £250 for 1ml.

All our doctors are registered with the General Medical Council (GMC) so you can rest assured that you're in safe hands with our expert team.

So why not come in chat and see if temple filler can work for you.

Although most of our temple filler patients are from Kingston and Marylebone, London thanks to our 5-star Google reviews and recommendations we have many regular patients that visit us from all parts of London including Mayfair, Richmond, Twickenham and Hampton.


  • With temple rejuvenation, we use an instrument called a cannula which is a small blunt flexible tube to place the filler. Therefore, it will not feel sharp and painful. The feeling is more of a pressure sensation. We also use a topical anaesthetic to make the treatment as comfortable as possible.

  • People who have lost weight or who frequently do a lot of exercise may be more prone to hollow temples. Additionally, some people experience more rapid or significant volume loss than others. Volume loss in the temples can affect younger clients but is more common in those above 40-50.

  • Temple filler is a subtle yet powerful way to improve the face. Temple hollowing can make the face appear aged as it can overly accentuate the cheekbones and bones of the skull, but many people are unable to identify this because the temples are so overlooked. By re-volumising them, the whole face can appear fuller and more youthful.

  • Usually, 2ml in total is enough to achieve a good result.

  • Temple filler can help lift the brows slightly in clients with a large degree of volume loss in the temple region.

    1. No alcohol or exercise for 24 hours

    2. No hot showers or sauna/steam rooms for the rest of the day

  • We offer temple filler in Marylebone clinic and we offer temple filler in Kingston clinic.

    Temple filler Mayfair- 2nd Floor, 15 Dover Street, W1S 4LP

    Temple filler Kingston - 169 Richmond Road, KT2 5DA